Check out this Gerber Tactical High-Output LED looks good! At the hig
[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’’ imgalt=’Check out bobbygfordcommunications this Gerber Tactical High-Output LED looks good! At the highest setting, lasts up to 1.5 hours and St the lowest setting lasting up to 40 hours! This Cortex flashlight does come with sturdy waterproof anodized aluminum housing. For further information on 30-000820, check out our website: gerber cortex bobbyg fireeeeee blackwithwhiteengraving customengraved’][/InstagramVideo]
Check out #bobbygfordcommunications this Gerber Tactical High-Output LED looks good! At the highest setting, lasts up to 1.5 hours and St the lowest setting lasting up to 40 hours! This Cortex flashlight does come with sturdy waterproof anodized aluminum housing. For further information on 30-000820, check out our website: #gerber #cortex #bobbyg #fireeeeee #blackwithwhiteengraving #customengraved
posted via instagram by gerbertools on Jan 07, 2016 @ 16:02