Gerber Transit 30-000416 multitool for $8.99 while supplies last. This
[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’’ imgalt=’Gerber Transit 30-000416 multitool for $8.99 while supplies last. This is the last of this multitool that doubles as a utility knife and pencil! Get yours here: GERBER-TOOLS.COM/TRANSIT Gerber GerberTools GerberKnives GerberTransit knives multitool utilityknife’][/InstagramVideo]
Gerber Transit 30-000416 multitool for $8.99 while supplies last. This is the last of this multitool that doubles as a utility knife and pencil! Get yours here: GERBER-TOOLS.COM/TRANSIT #Gerber #GerberTools #GerberKnives #GerberTransit #knives #multitool #utilityknife
posted via instagram by gerbertools on Apr 25, 2016 @ 17:05