Nothing makes you more cool in the eyes of a child than to have a litt
[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’’ imgalt=’Nothing makes you more cool in the eyes of a child than to have a little something for them when you haven’t seen them a while. These laser engraved Gerber Tempo flashlights have the mission to impress a couple of kiddos today! GerberTools GerberFlashlights GerberTempo flashlight flashlights LaserEngraving childgifts’][/InstagramVideo]
Nothing makes you more cool in the eyes of a child than to have a little something for them when you haven’t seen them a while. These laser engraved Gerber Tempo flashlights have the mission to impress a couple of kiddos today! #GerberTools #GerberFlashlights #GerberTempo #flashlight #flashlights #LaserEngraving #childgifts
posted via instagram by gerbertools on Jul 17, 2015 @ 09:33