This little beauty is the Gerber Bear Grylls Compact Scout Knife 31-00
[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’’ imgalt=’This little beauty is the Gerber Bear Grylls Compact Scout Knife 31-000760. Lightweight, easy to carry, perfect for your pocket. Stainless steel partially serrated 2.5″ blade. Over-sized fingerguard and locking blade for safety. Priorities of Survival pocket guide included. Available at gerber gerbergear gerbertools compact scout knife edc survival tactical camping beargrylls’][/InstagramVideo]
This little beauty is the Gerber Bear Grylls Compact Scout Knife 31-000760. Lightweight, easy to carry, perfect for your pocket. Stainless steel partially serrated 2.5″ blade. Over-sized fingerguard and locking blade for safety. Priorities of Survival pocket guide included. Available at #gerber #gerbergear #gerbertools #compact #scout #knife #edc #survival #tactical #camping #beargrylls
posted via instagram by gerbertools on May 04, 2014 @ 15:29