We are kicking off this week with another Monday Madness sale. Just li
[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’https://www.gerber-tools.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/10693814_809542462421046_89163553_n.jpg’ imgalt=’We are kicking off this week with another Monday Madness sale. Just like last week we only have 100 of these available. This is the Gerber Guardian 2pc knife set for only $12.99. Get engraving and you still have something under $20! GERBER-TOOLS.COM/Guardianset GerberKnives GerberGear knives knifecommunity GerberGuardian KnifeSale KnifeSets knifefanatic’][/InstagramVideo]
We are kicking off this week with another Monday Madness sale. Just like last week we only have 100 of these available. This is the Gerber Guardian 2pc knife set for only $12.99. Get engraving and you still have something under $20! GERBER-TOOLS.COM/Guardianset #GerberKnives #GerberGear #knives #knifecommunity #GerberGuardian #KnifeSale #KnifeSets #knifefanatic
posted via instagram by gerbertools on Oct 13, 2014 @ 15:38