We’ve all got that person on our list that already has everything and
[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’https://www.gerber-tools.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/10810081_1404821893142592_778719007_n.jpg’ imgalt=’We’ve all got that person on our list that already has everything and is impressed with nothing. You know what those people need? They need a flashlight and a knife! Drop $14.99, throw this under the tree for them, and check them off your list! GERBER-TOOLS.COM/WinSet Gerber Winchester GerberKnives WinchesterKnives Flashlights’][/InstagramVideo]
We’ve all got that person on our list that already has everything and is impressed with nothing. You know what those people need? They need a flashlight and a knife! Drop $14.99, throw this under the tree for them, and check them off your list! GERBER-TOOLS.COM/WinSet #Gerber #Winchester #GerberKnives #WinchesterKnives #Flashlights
posted via instagram by gerbertools on Dec 09, 2014 @ 15:41