if you are in need of light and a bottle opener, this Gerber GDC Zip L
[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’https://www.gerber-tools.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/13694587_220657851666890_695187308_n.jpg’ imgalt=’if you are in need of light and a bottle opener, this Gerber GDC Zip Light+ is just for you! Gerber ClipForQuickRemoval ZipperAttachment BottleOpener GerberTools PowerButton 31-001745 GerberGear LEDlight BatteriesIncluded GerberDailyCarry’][/InstagramVideo]
if you are in need of light and a bottle opener, this Gerber GDC Zip Light+ is just for you! #Gerber #ClipForQuickRemoval #ZipperAttachment #BottleOpener #GerberTools #PowerButton #31-001745 #GerberGear #LEDlight #BatteriesIncluded #GerberDailyCarry
posted via instagram by gerbertools on Jul 13, 2016 @ 15:13