The Gerber Bear Grylls Ultimate Knife 31-00751 features a full tang, p
[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’’ imgalt=’The Gerber Bear Grylls Ultimate Knife 31-00751 features a full tang, partially serrated fixed blade constructed of high carbon stainless steel. The base of the handle has a cross hatched pommel for hammering. Attached lanyard come with a built in survival whistle. Fire starter rod is housed in the front of the sheath, on the back, a diamond sharpener. Available at gerbergear knife survival fixedblade fulltang ultimate bear beargrylls bg bugout outdoorsmen’][/InstagramVideo]
The Gerber Bear Grylls Ultimate Knife 31-00751 features a full tang, partially serrated fixed blade constructed of high carbon stainless steel. The base of the handle has a cross hatched pommel for hammering. Attached lanyard come with a built in survival whistle. Fire starter rod is housed in the front of the sheath, on the back, a diamond sharpener. Available at #gerbergear #knife #survival #fixedblade #fulltang #ultimate #bear #beargrylls #bg #bugout #outdoorsmen
posted via instagram by gerbertools on May 14, 2014 @ 14:08